🐥 Birdy's Diary: Adventures from G-Star, Japan and Double KPI Campaign
✨Playio enters the Japanese Market✨
2023. 11. 29.
🐥 Birdy's Diary: Adventures from G-Star, Japan and Double KPI Campaign
✨Playio enters the Japanese Market✨
It is already November and with winter right around the corner, we bring you Playio's second English Newsletter! Along with the first snow came G-Star 2023 and Playio joined again this year. Lets see everything that happened!
📌 Summary
☝🏻 Playio in G-star🐥 ✌🏻Playio’s Publishing Contract in Japan 🤟🏻Playio’s Campaign Achieved Double KPI
📺 PLAYIO NEWS 🐥 Playio’s ‘Birdy’ at B2C
Playio's adorable mascot, Birdy, made an appearance at G-STAR. 🐥 Birdy roamed around, welcoming all of G-Stars’ visitors. With its large and round body and a distinctive orange beak, Birdy was an attention magnet visible from afar. 👀 Many visitors came to Birdy to receive the Playio tote bag hanging from its beak. Birdy tells us that they had fun interacting with G-Star’s participants and hopes to see them again next year! 🗓️
Thank you to everyone who visited Playio at G-STAR this year! Following last year’s success, Playio had another booth this year. Over 500 people visited the Playio booth and engaged with Playio’s employees to discover its unique marketing solutions. 👍🏻
The most exciting event was the ‘Instant Lottery’ Event, where participants had a 100% chance of winning prizes such as an AirPods Pro 2, department store gift cards, Starbucks Gift cards, and exclusive Playio merchandise by leaving us their business cards. Thank you to those who participated and made our booth a success over the three days. 🫶🏻😎
For all of those who visited, you made these three days truly special. Looking forward to more exciting moments and connections in the future! 🚀✨
🔥 Sulrojiok (Hell of a Time)
Playio, along with Appier, TNK, Smile Shark, and Singular, hosted a 'Sulrojiok' network party for a ‘fire’ Friday night! 🔥 The networking party had a hell-themed interior featuring heaven-and-hell-themed drinks. The hosts gifted attendees some of the hottest gifts ever such as Cultureland gift vouchers worth 2 million won, Bluetooth wireless earphones, and more! Thanks to everyone who attended the party and contributed to the vibrant atmosphere. 🥰
🇯🇵 Playio’s Publishing Contract in Japan
Playio's official entry into the Japanese market has begun. 👏🏻 Playio signed a publishing contract with 'DECO’, a specialized game app marketing company in Japan. Check out this article for more details!
The campaign that we wanted to introduce you to this month is a recent one with ZephyrMobile games for their 'Get Color — Water Sort Puzzle' app! Our collaboration focused on increasing their retention rate in the Korean market.
How did Playio manage to double their KPI? We first went with our main strategy by promoting daily play for 30 minutes with the engaging 'Play Quest'. Additionally, we gave users a mission to reach level 200 with the enticing 'Hidden Quest' to optimize in-app conversion rates. Our results showed a 110% increase in ZephyrMobile's KPIs, soaring to an average 62.9% D1 Retention Rate and 48.36% D7 Retention Rate. 🫢
If you want to explore such tailored success strategies, check out Playio's campaigns now!